After hundreds of hours of work, Terry Taylor’s dream of having a haunted house in Lawrence came to fruition. Well, sort of…
Kelly Rowe | @Kelly.Rowe
“Nightmare on Mass Street” is the brainchild of Terry Taylor and his wife Liz, who love all things Halloween. According to Terry, inspiration struck the couple when they went to Lucia during their Christmas pop-up last year.

“We went in, and we were like we expected, just some Christmas trees and some lights. We walked in, it was like Christmas had just exploded in there. We loved it,” Terry said.
“My wife and I had been wanting to open up a haunted house in Lawrence since the dawn of history. This isn’t a haunted house but it’s a little baby step,” Taylor continued, “We wanted to do something that was all ages so people could bring their kids, so nothing’s like too scary.”
“My wife and I are dreamers, and we love Halloween and we love the community. We wanted to do something fun with the community.”
Nightmare on Mass features decorations from the Taylors’ own personal collection, as well as other items that were built or donated.
From now until Nov. 3, you can reserve a table or attend a spooky celebration by visiting