The Lawrence Interdenominational Nutrition Kitchen was founded on Feb. 14, 1985, serving only six people at their first meal. Now, 40 years later, LINK is celebrating its birthday. Founded by Eithel Williamson and Father Michael Hernes after they were inspired to help the Douglas County in meal scarcity.
Sydney Clark | @SydneyClark___

LINK is located in the basement of St. John Catholic Church and serves nutritious hot meals every Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday from 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM. It’s open to anyone and everyone, no matter their circumstances. Their mission, “to feed people regardless of their circumstances.”
In 2024, LINK served 20,960 meals with the help of over 1,300 volunteers to help serve meals. There are two LINK paid staff members, one of them is Darrell Vann who’s served LINK for over 8 years. He says his favorite part is meeting different people
“I mean, from little kids to adults to the elderly,” Vann said. “There are different groups that come in, church groups, and stuff like that. I just met a lot of different people. Some of the kids come down here and volunteer, those kids could be riding their bikes and hanging out with their friends, but they choose to come down here and help serve.”
Vann said he just enjoys meeting new people and connecting with the community, making working with LINK so rewarding. Vann works closely with another staff member, Calvin Barnes, who has been with LINK for six years. Barnes had a personal experience that inspired him to give back to the community members in need.
“Well I was brought up like that so I thought I would do it to,” said Barnes.
After just one volunteer shift at LINK, Barnes knew he was in the right place.
LINK has a variety of volunteer opportunities, from serving, to cleaning and cooking. To get involved with LINK visit their website.