Potter Lake to be refilled by 2025 Commencement

After Potter Lake was drained in May, there’s been speculation from students about what is really happening; for over a century, Potter Lake and its full banks have served as an iconic landmark on KU’s campus. 

But what has been going on at the lake since May?

Savannah Meier | @SavannahMeierTV

KU’s campus architect, Mark Reiske, said the draining was to allow the construction of a new ‘cast stone,’ or retaining wall, for the long-term protection of the lake’s health.

“Right now we are getting ready to set back a cast stone wall around the lake. So originally the lake had a stone wall around about 3 quarters of it,” Reiske said. “We are putting that stone wall back which allows us to have a deeper edge to the lake which will help for the health of the lake.” 

Many alumni have been reaching out to the project development team for Potter Lake as it houses many wildlife, and the occasional goal post here on campus. 

But since the lake has been here for more than a century, older, undiscovered items are more what’s on the minds of alumni;

“No goal posts. We did have an interesting call midway through, a gentleman in the 40s had lost a ring in Potters and wanted to know if we found a ring,” Reiske said. “The way we did the dredging there is a six inch diameter suction hose so we weren’t looking at what we were dredging through that hose.” 

The wall stoning is projected to be finished by the end of this year, with the lake ideally filling just in time for commencement in May 2025.