The Dole Institute of Politics at the University of Kansas welcomed Ukraine’s United Nations Ambassador Sergiy Kyslytsya.
Kelly Rowe | @Kelly.Rowe

In his Nov. 12 visit, Kyslytsya addressed a large audience on his work with the UN, the state of Ukraine and what a Trump presidency will entail.
Throughout his address, he discussed the impact that the United States has on global organizations.
“I don’t really see the United Nations or any global organization (can be successful) without the meaningful and powerful engagement of the United States,” Kyslytsya said.
He went on to discuss Ukraine’s economy and his belief that the Russian economy will collapse when the war ends.
“That’s basically one of many reasons why Putin is clinging on waging this war because the end of the war will mean not only his political end, but also the economic collapse of the Russian economy,” Kyslytsya said.
He discussed the upcoming Trump presidency and that he believes the United States must help.
“If we finish this war the wrong way, the job is half done or conflict is frozen, Russia will strike again in 5 years. Unless the United States decides to abandon their allies in Europe which I think will not make the country “Great Again” like they want,” Kyslytsya said.
Kyslytsya completed his address to an ovation from the crowd.
Following Kyslystya’s address, event moderator and Professor of History, Erik Scott, spoke on the importance of Kyslytsya’s visit to KU:
“Ukraine is in wartime right now, and we’re also at a moment of political uncertainty with the election, and lots of discussion and debate about what US policy will be toward Ukraine and how it might change,” Scott said.
“So I think it was a really important time to come together as a community and discuss these issues with Representative from Ukraine to present his country’s perspective. So the country is not viewed as simply a square on a chess board, but as a real place with real people.”